April Pre-sale: Shower a Child with Books on Compassion

Shower your child, grandchild, special friend or relative with books on compassion this month of April during the pre-sale.

Order books here: https://sonjawendt.com/books/

The books are arriving the end of the month and ready to ship by May 1. Get an autographed book, free book mark and free shipping!


I'm Not A Weed CoverI’m Not A Weed is a story of acceptance. It’s about Suzy Sunflower that blows into a well planned perennial garden planted by Mr. Gardener. She is loved by Mrs. Gardener. But Mr. Gardener didn’t plan and plant Suzy so he considers her a weed. You know what happens to weeds! No worries, the story does end well and we all learn to Welcome even the unplanned into our garden.


Can Old Be Beautiful is a story of a little girl discussing with her grandmother if old COBB Back Coverthings can be beautiful. Beautiful things are illustrated along with old beautiful things. Little Maggie comes to a conclusion about her Grandma and beauty. She learns that getting old is a natural process and that old things can be very beautiful, like mountains, castles, and stained glass windows.



Both books include discussion questions at the end. This website has Kid’s Activities related to the books.