May 5 – Show Compassion to Teachers

A day to acknowledge teachers is May 5. Teachers deserve special acknowledgement during this COVID-15 crisis time period. If they weren’t already doing enough, with normal day to day activities, preparing for parent-teacher conferences, getting ready for spring activities like track and field, end of year concerts, making cute gifts for Mother’s Day, etc, most went from normal face-to-face teaching to virtual teaching within a week. They not only had to restructure their material for a whole different presentation medium, but they also had to assist children ensuring they had laptops and internet, and that they had and understood instructions on how to connect. They also have the ongoing concern of their children who use the free breakfasts and lunches that the schools provide and whether they will get the physical nutrients they need in order to even be able to learn. I think half of my friends are teachers and two of my sisters were elementary school teachers. I connected again after several years, to a wonderful 1st grade teacher the beginning of this year, Sharon Parker, from Jefferson Academy, who was planning on retiring the end of this school year. I enjoyed reading books including my books to her diverse reading level class. She also taught one of my daughters when they were in 3rd grade. Teachers generally are genuinely loving, caring and giving. During this period, it  makes me think of a post I saw in the last couple weeks.

It said:

Virtual Teaching will never replace the love, the laughs, the learning, the smiles on students’ faces, and the “aha” moments that happen in an actual classroom. 

The quarantine isn’t a break for teachers, it’s a heartbreak. 

How can your children show compassion to their teachers during this week? Share some examples here below!