One of the best ways to grow a kind child, is to show acts of kindness. What a wonderful day to show acts of kindness than on Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17. Let’s get to the basics. Just what are some words of kindness? Some of my favorite words of kindness include attentive, respectful, thoughtful, helpful, caring, selfless, gracious, polite, forgiving, patient, and understanding. On the flip side, what are some words that describe a bully. Some descriptions of a bully or bullying include mean, insulting, and threatening to others who are weaker, smaller or in some way vulnerable.
What are some acts of kindness you can demonstrate to your child? You could read books on kindness and compassion with your child. How about you and your child shoveling an elderly or disabled neighbor’s driveway on a cold, snowy day. You could bake cookies together to share with someone who is all alone. Help your child write a thank-you note to a teacher. As we know, this has been an especially difficult year for teachers, along with so many professions. If you have a lot of Amazon deliveries, why not leave bottled beverages and packaged snacks on the porch with a note to the carrier thanking them. Your child will remember these acts of kindness you share together. They will probably be looking out the window for your next package delivery. It will be memories never forgotten. You have instilled, and nurtured, acts of kindness into their little souls.
How do you prevent bullying? First, there needs to be awareness. A child may not know a particular game or activity is a form of bullying. Talk to your child and ask them who they played with that day and what kind of games they played on the playground. Did they play king of the hill, yes, a game I used to play in elementary school. Who was the king, or queen and how was that determined? Was the same person or group of kids always the ones at the top? Seemingly innocent games can be great discussion topics. How did your child feel playing a certain game? Have them think of how other children may have felt. Another form of awareness is for them to look around and see if there is someone all alone and needs someone to talk to, join in lunch together, or walk home together from the bus stop. This isn’t easy to do, just as it is difficult for adults to reach outside of our circle of friends. There is nothing wrong with having circle of friends, in fact, it’s a healthy thing. At the same time, look around and reach out to those in need of a friend.
True, we don’t need a day designated as random acts of kindness to demonstrate acts of kindness. But it does get us thinking, focusing and being intentional in performing acts of kindness.
What are your favorite words of kindness?
What ways can you demonstrate kindness with a child?
What ideas do you have to stop bullying?
Sonja Wendt
Enhancing children’s sensitivity in human interactions one story at a time.
- Author and Reading & Seeding Leader
- Cultivating Compassion in Children Books Series
- 720-260-6296
Books Available on Amazon:
©sonjalangewendt 2021
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