Are You Warming A Heart with Love on a Cold Wintery Valentine’s Day?

Brrrr, it’s cold out there!  I love how Valentine’s Day comes in the cold of winter. What a way to warm your heart, lift the spirit, and brighten a dark day by sharing the love!

I know some people dislike “Hallmark” holidays and don’t need one to share the love.  That’s very true, we can, and hopefully do send love, compassion, and kindness any day. But I think it’s great to also designate a day for “love,” since realistically, sometimes we get so busy and distracted to even notice all the joy and happiness around us.  We often neglect those that are most important to us.

Valentine’s Day was one of my favorite holidays we celebrated in elementary school. We designed and colored our own lunch bag or shoebox mailbox and attached it to our desk. I meticulously handmade 25 to 30 Valentines, depending on the class size that year.  I admit, some I spent just a little bit more time on than others! I also made a big, special one for the teacher, of course!  I placed the valentine in my classmate’s desk mailbox. In the afternoon we would have a party with treats, heart crafts, and games. Our mailboxes went home with us to go through the valentines we received!

What are your childhood memories of Valentine’s Day? I realize, like any holiday, there are sad times during special days, too. Hopefully you can create happy and new special memories going forward. I like the bible verse from I Corinthians 16:14, Do everything in love. Our world around us needs a lot more love.

If you need inspiration, look at the joy and pureness of a child, especially, playing outside on a cold, snowy day! Seeing this little girl pictured, inspired me to write this blog. She is one of twin girls of my oldest daughter’s favorite 5th grade elementary teacher when he taught in Colorado.

You also can heat up this cold winter day. Light the candles, start a roaring fire in the fireplace, pour the hot chocolate and top it with whip cream, send the flowers, candy, gifts, and cards, and wish those you love a “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!!! I’m sending you all warmth, light, compassion, and love!

Sonja Wendt

Enhancing children’s sensitivity in human interactions one story at a time.

Sonja Wendt

Author and Intergenerational Reading & Seeding Cultivator

Cultivating Compassion in Children Books Series


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