May Day, as with many holidays, was rooted in agriculture. It is a great day to exercise my overall passion, “Cultivate Compassion in Children.” Children love making and putting together baskets. Then of course, it’s really exciting dropping them off, ringing the doorbell, and running away, without getting into trouble!
Maypoles were also a part of May Day. In Germany and Austria, the maypole was a decorated tree trunk, dating back to the 16th century. The maypole dance, a ceremonial fold dance was performed around this tree or pole that is garnished in greens and flowers and hung with ribbons. The ribbons were woven into patters by dancers. We participated in one of these maypole event when our girls were young. It was held in Golden, Colorado. Look it up in your area. It’s beautiful and fun.
May Day is a couple days away. Share here what traditions you may start or continue to do. It’s a bit scary particularly in the US right now so ringing a doorbell and running away may not be the smartest move unless you know for sure you have the right house!
Sonja Wendt
Enhancing children’s sensitivity in human interactions one story at a time.
Author and Intergenerational Reading & Seeding Cultivator
Cultivating Compassion in Children Books Series
Books Available on Amazon: http://bit.ly/SonjaLangeWendt
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